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Idées reçues sur le Kundalini Yoga

Le Kundalini Yoga accessible à tous. Ouf et ça n’est pas moi qui le dit 😉



Catherine Le hen

Thérapeute énergéticienne/Guérisseuse Catherine LE HEN est Initiée au Reiki/Sekhem/Acceuil du Verbe , elle est également Moon Mother et Enseignante de Kundalini Yoga

Cet article a 2 commentaires

  1. Justin Hamilton

    Long time reader, first time commenter — so, thought I’d
    drop a comment.. — and at the same time ask for a favor.

    Your wordpress site is very simplistic – hope you don’t mind me asking what
    theme you’re using? (and don’t mind if I steal it? :P)

    I just launched my small businesses site –also built in wordpress
    like yours– but the theme slows (!) the site down quite a

    In case you have a minute, you can find it (any feedback)

    Keep up the good work– and take care of yourself during the coronavirus scare!


    1. Hi Justin.
      Thanks for your compliments about my Web site. (I have done all by Myself and that’s good to my heart 😉 and ego too 🤣)
      The theme is OceanWPVersion from WordPress, and you can of course use it. Send me the link when it will be done.

      I have been to see your products. Great ! There are for sûre products of the future.
      I don’t make advertisement for now because i don’t know you, either your products but i wish you the best.
      Take care also. Wish we will all be good and in peace 🙏

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